We invite you on a journey to calm your mind and renew your life energy. Come support the most important thing, your body, and even find new priorities in life. Everything important is inside us….
Bioresonance was originally invented by leading scientists in Germany in the mid 1950’s and its core benefits were suspected and investigated many decades prior to that. Backed by international, global development; Bioresonance is designed and proven to adjust the energies and neurological patterns within your body in order to effectively ‚tune‘ them to their perfect natural frequencies which help tackle the negatives from deep within your bodies core.
· strengthening of psychological balance
· clearing and harmonizing the energy flow in the body (meridian pathways)
· support for detoxification of the organism and activation of self-regulation
· treatment of scars and adhesions
· for problems with the digestive system
· smoking cessation, addiction to sweets
· alleviation of symptoms of chronic problems
· pollen allergy, allergy to pets ..
· musculoskeletal pain
· mental problems, stress, fatigue
Craniosacral biodynamics
Craniosacral biodynamics is a holistic harmonizing method that, with a holistic and safe approach, helps our system find its way to balance – i.e. back to health. The name of the therapy comes from the latin names for skull (cranium) and sacrum.
Gentle, painless manual therapy without manipulations, based on listening to our tissues, pleasant for the client. Based on the work of the hands, which apply gentle pressures and strokes on the body.
It liberates, releases the life force, revives its flow and vitality and thereby starts the self-healing of the organism as a whole (on a physical-structural, emotional and mental-spiritual level).
· To relieve pain and chronic problems of the locomotor system
· For headaches, migraines
· Harmonization of metabolism, immune system
· With hormonal imbalance
· For digestive problems
· It relieves stress and tension
Mitigating the effects of trauma
· Injuries, operations
· Emotional blocks
· Sleep disorders
· Against chronic fatigue and exhaustion
As support in the process of self-discovery
· It deepens awareness of yourself and your body’s reactions
· It connects body, mind and soul
Take Control of your Health Today!
Call us: +420775565579
Email: info@biodynamikalouny.cz
Facebook: Biodynamika Louny